Our iDance Calendar will be updated on a regular basis, so feel free to visit here for any information you may need :
2024 Key Dates :
Term Dates:
Term One- Monday 29th of January- Saturday 30th of March
Term Two- Monday 15th of April- Saturday 29th of June
Term Three- Monday 15th of July- Saturday 21st of September
Term Four- Monday 7th of October- Saturday 14th of December
Competitions :
Royal South Street Energetiks Dance Comp - 21st and 22nd of September
Bendigo Competition Society - 29th, 30th of June & 1st of July
Examinations and Workshops :
Ballet Teachers Workshops - TBC
Ballet Mock Exams- TBC
Ballet Conservatoire Examinations - TBC
Tap Mock Exams- Sunday 23rd of June
Tap Examinations - TBC
Preschool Easter Workshop- Saturday 23rd of March
Saturday 22nd of June- Concert Theme Disco
Preschool Buddie Day- 5th of November
Mid Year Concert:
Sunday 16th of June
Parent Viewing Week:
Assessment Week:​
19th-24th of August
Class Dress Rehearsal/Group Photo (no make up) iDance Studios:
25th- 30th of November
Concert (Paramount Theatre) :
Rehearsals- 3rd and 5th of December
Performances- 7th and 8th of December